Wednesday, March 19

career day retrospective

Things I have wanted to be when I grow up:

truck driver
advice columnist

Personas I have wanted to cultivate:

Sophisticated city-dweller: impeccably tailored outfits; sleek hair; smart, professional shoes.
Perfume: something elegant but forbidding--maybe Ivoire or no. 19.
Lipstick: red.
Drink: wine.
Favorite activity: museum-going.
Most pretentious possession: custom briefcase.
Guilty pleasure: manicures.
Vacation: New England bed and breakfast.
Exercise: kick-boxing.
Morning routine: alarm, coffee, oatmeal, commute to work
Currently reading: Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change by Pema Chodron

Urban homesteader: jeans all day and every day; choppy, sassy, edgy hair; boots that look cool, feel good, and keep my feet dry and protected. A couple of "around the house" cashmere sweaters that I wear while feeding the chickens and making decoctions.
Perfume: simple musk.
Lipstick: tinted balm.
Drink: bourbon.
Favorite activity: bartering for groceries.
Most pretentious possession: tiny still.
Guilty pleasure: late night cab rides.
Vacation: mountaintop silent retreat.
Exercise: kettle-bells and yoga.
Morning routine: coffee, oatmeal, ride bike to part-time job
Currently reading: For the Time Being by Annie Dillard

Rural/small town loner: more jeans. so many more jeans; short hair, probably not very interesting; boots chosen entirely for comfort and fit; flannel and wool or tank tops.
Perfume: jasmine, tea, and musk.
Lipstick: pink or berry stain.
Drink: herbal tea.
Favorite activity: long walks with a dog after writing.
Most pretentious possession: vintage typewriter.
Guilty pleasure: peaty scotch.
Vacation: weekend trip to visit a friend.
Exercise: large dog.
Morning routine: black tea, oatmeal, settle in to work from home
Currently reading: Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

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